
21 September 2020
Sector Statement Group welcomes Berlin Declaration to support international rail freight and presents its progress report
04 September 2020
Growing frustration amongst forwarders at times of crisis
07 August 2020
Mobility Package I Takes Off: CLECAT Calls for Clear Implementation Guidelines
08 May 2020
CLECAT Welcomes the US FMC Interpretive Rule on Demurrage & Detention
30 April 2020
Keeping Supply Chains efficient during COVID-19
Maritime logistics supply chains are becoming more and more unreliable due to blank sailings. This is harmful to European logistics and shippers, because it reduces supply chain efficiency and parameters such as capacity, sailing frequency, transit times, ports of call and associated service quality.
26 March 2020
Joint Recommendations to Support Health and Safety in Road Freight Transport in the Wake of COVID-19
To alleviate the unprecedented crisis situation in the road transport sector in the wake of COVID-19, ESC and CLECAT encourage the supply chain partners to ensure the availability and accessibility of the necessary basic facilities for the drivers at loading and unloading sites, as well as respectful cooperation and better coordination between the parties.
13 December 2019
CLECAT Welcomes the New European Green Deal
CLECAT welcomes the ambition of Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent in the world by 2050.
13 December 2019
CLECAT Reaction to the Provisional Agreement on Mobility Package I
A provisional agreement was reached between the Finnish Presidency and the European Parliament on the social and market access aspects of the 1st Mobility Package, during the third round of trilogues on 12 December. CLECAT welcomes a breakthrough following two-and-a-half years of negotiations but is equally disappointed that the industry concerns were not taken into account.
22 November 2019
Industry Calls For More Flexibility on Mobility Package I
Industry associations urge the co-legislators to take into account that EU customers and consumers will only benefit from a well-functioning EU road transport market if posting rules are flexible but enforceable, return of the vehicle is not mandatory, less restrictive cabotage rules facilitate the reduction of empty runs, and safe and secure parking areas are created prior to forcing truck drivers outside of the cabin for regular and reduced weekly rests.
05 April 2019
CLECAT Response to the EP Vote on the Mobility Package I
CLECAT takes note of the European Parliament's final position on the social and market related proposals of the Mobility Package, released in May 2017. Ms Nicolette van der Jagt, Director General of CLECAT, noted: “It remains to be seen whether the compromise reached on posting in international road transport will be feasible in practice. The patchwork of administrative national individual regulations will not be resolved by this for the time being.”