11 October 2024


The International Transport Forum (ITF) recently published a report evaluating the relationships between connectivity, decarbonisation and resilience in freight transport. Written by Alan McKinnon, the paper is the fourth in a series of ITF expert working papers, which first explored how to enhance each of the parameters separately.

This latest paper seeks to move beyond the siloed approach often taken in freight transport policies by examining how these three factors interrelate. It assesses whether connectivity, resilience, and decarbonisation efforts are mutually reinforcing or counterproductive and proposes quantitative metrics to measure and evaluate these dynamics. The report’s overarching aim is to help policymakers and planners adopt a more integrated approach to freight transport policy by leveraging synergies and managing trade-offs between the three factors more effectively.

After defining the key attributes linked to each factor, the report introduces an assessment framework that maps the interconnections between them. A total of 35 interconnections were identified and classified into three categories: synergistic, conflicting, and hybrid.

The findings show that two-thirds of these interconnections are synergistic, suggesting that efforts to improve connectivity and resilience while reducing emissions are, in most cases, mutually beneficial. Only four of the interrelationships (11%) consistently involve trade-offs, while eight (23%) were found to be hybrid, meaning they could either be synergistic or conflicting depending on specific circumstances. For these hybrid cases, the report advises that targeted policy measures can help mitigate potential negative effects and strengthen synergies.

By providing a clearer understanding of how these key parameters interact, the report offers valuable insights for policymakers aiming to create a more connected, resilient, and sustainable freight transport system.