30 August 2024


On 4 September, the European Parliament’s TRAN and ENVI committees will hold their first meeting after the summer recess and the election of the Committees’ Chairs and vice-Chairs. MEPs will continue the legislative work on the pending files from the last mandate and prepare the upcoming hearings of Commissioners-designate.

MEPs from the TRAN Committee will formally enter into trilogues negotiations on the files that reached the first reading stage during the last mandate, including the Railway Capacity Regulation and the Driving Licences Directive for which the Council reached general approach. The TRAN Committee will also vote to start the trilogues on the revision of the Weights & Dimensions Directive, but the Council is yet to find a compromise among Member States on this file. In the coming weeks, MEPs will also have to restart their legislative work over the revision of the Combined Transport Directive. CLECAT stands ready to collaborate and exchange with MEPs to ensure the revision of the Directive is a success for the development of sustainable and efficient alternatives to road freight transport.

The ENVI Committee will discuss and adopt their amendments to the general EU budget for 2025 and exchange on a possible resolution ahead of the COP29 which will be held in Baku in December. Both Committees will also have to start the trilogues negotiations on the CountEmissions EU proposal, for which CLECAT hopes the core elements of the Commission proposal would be retained to ensure it becomes a practical framework to help companies in calculating and reporting GHG emission of their transport services.

Finally, MEPs will prepare the future hearings of the Commissioners-designate for transport and environment/climate, a critical step before the new Commission can take office. While Member States had until today to designate their choice of Commissioners, it will then be up to Commission President von der Leyen to designate the portfolio of each nominee. Following the hearings, a plenary vote on the new College of Commissioners is expected to take place in November or December, finalising the leadership for the next five years.

Webstreaming of the TRAN meeting is available HERE.
Webstreaming of the ENVI meeting is available HERE.