25 September 2024


On 17 September, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced the portfolios of the Commissioners-designate for the next mandate.

The Greek nominate and former President of the European Committee of Regions Mr Apostolos Tzitzikostas has been designated Commissioner for "Sustainable Transport and Tourism".

In her mission letter, President von der Leyen details the main policy priorities of the transport portfolio, several of which are particularly relevant to CLECAT: First she tasked Mr Tzitzikostas to lead the completion of the TEN-T core network by 2030 as agreed in the TEN-T Regulation. He should propose a Sustainable Transport Investment Plan which would among other priorities ensure the swift build-up of charging infrastructure. Strengthening the social dimension of mobility, via quality jobs in the sector and addressing labour and skills shortages as well as reinforcing transport security, including cybersecurity, links with third countries and critical transport infrastructure will also be part of the priorities of the new Commissioner. Finally, Mr Tzitzikostas will be tasked to develop a comprehensive EU Port Strategy focused on security and competitiveness, building on the work of the European Ports Alliance. 

Mr Tzitzikostas will be under the guidance of Mr Raffaelle Fitto, the Italian Executive Vice-President-designate for Cohesion and Reforms. The full list of Commissioner-designate and their respective portfolios is available on the Commission website.

Customs issues will fall under the competence of Maroš Šefčovič, Commissioner-designate for Trade and Economic Security, and for Interinstitutional Relations and Transparency. The mission letter of President von der Leyen refers to several trade matters including FTAs and trade defence and customs issues including Customs Reform Package, EU Customs authority, e-commerce platforms (non-compliant products), fully digital customs environment and rules of origin. The mission letter also points to the need for transparency and better communication with stakeholders.

Customs issues will fall under the competence of Maroš Šefčovič, Commissioner-designate for Trade and Economic Security, and for Interinstitutional Relations and Transparency. The mission letter of President von der Leyen refers to several trade matters including FTAs and trade defence and Customs Reform Package, EU Customs authority, e-commerce platforms (non-compliant products), fully digital customs environment and rules of origin. The letter also points to to transparency and better communication with stakeholders. The College of Commissioners needs to be formally approved by the European Parliament before starting its mandate. Parliamentary Committees will organise confirmation hearings of the Commissioners-designate in October. The new Commission is set to take office on 1st November 2024.