28 June 2024


The Commission opened a targeted consultation on a guidance for Member States on the application of the Do No Significant Harm (“DNSH”) principle under the Social Climate Fund (SCF). The principle sets out criteria to ensure that EU supported economic activities mitigate their impact on the environment, based on six objectives - climate mitigation, climate change adaptation, pollution prevention control, circular economy, biodiversity, water & marine resources.

The Social Climate Fund will provide Member States with dedicated funding so that the most affected vulnerable groups, such as households in energy or transport poverty, are directly supported, and not left behind during the green transition. Measures and investments under the SCF shall comply with the DNSH principle which would be extended to all EU funding under the next MFF.

The technical guidance accompanied by the sector specific annexes (including for transport) sets out the DNSH principles for activities that are eligible under the SCF, which are limited to road and rail investments, including mobile assets and infrastructure for road and rail, distinguished between linear infrastructure (such as new or upgraded roads and railways) and non-linear infrastructure (such as bus stops and stations or a terminal).

The consultation is open until 13 August 2024. A dedicated survey has been published to allow stakeholders to provide detailed feedback on the different documents.