11 October 2024


On 8th October, CLECAT participated in the 67th Plenary Session of the Trade Contact Group (TCG) held in Brussels.  The meeting, chaired by Mr Matthias Petschke, Director at DG TAXUD, focused on key developments in EU customs and trade policy.  In his opening remarks, Mr Petschke reflected on the achievements of the outgoing Commission and outlined the challenges ahead under the new mandate.  The Commission then provided a brief update on the ongoing Customs Reform, but noted that due to ongoing negotiations within the Council, there was little new information available.

The Commission also shared updates on several international trade issues, including the Pan-Euro-Mediterranean Convention (PEM), negotiations for the EU-India Free Trade Agreement, and the revision of procedural rules concerning the preferential origin of goods.

During discussions on the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), the Commission provided an update on the state of play, stressing the importance of preparation for the next phases of CBAM reporting. From January 2026, CBAM reports can only be submitted by Economic Operators holding the CBAM Declarant Authorisation. A renewed awareness campaign is being launched to ensure traders apply for authorisations on time. The Commission also confirmed that the new direct communications portal for third-country operators will be launched in the first quarter of 2025, further improving emission data quality in the CBAM reporting system.

One of the key concerns raised during the session was the looming deadline for the Union Customs Code’s Work Programme (UCC WP), which is due for completion by December 2025. The UCC WP aims to introduce several common EU customs systems; however, it was acknowledged that certain IT systems are unlikely to be completed by the deadline. Trade representatives have consistently advocated for the timely deployment of a harmonised digital customs environment and have expressed frustration with the repeated delays. However, participants recognized the need for realistic expectations, given the strain on resources. The discussion concluded with a call for practical solutions that would ensure a smooth transition from the UCC WP to future digital customs systems proposed under the Customs Reform.  The Commission acknowledged the concerns raised by trade representatives and assured that steps would be taken to address them. The next TCG meeting is scheduled for 13th December 2024.