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Press releases | 11 February 2020
15 organizations from the transport sector call for a bold and realistic European Green Deal
The European associations representing logistics service providers, seaport and inland ports, shippers, combined transport operators, rail freight operators, port and terminal operators, marine equipment manufacturers and shipyards welcome the Green Deal and believe that it can be an opportunity for Europe, particularly if it enables EU industries to benefit from a “new growth strategy” that will boost their competitiveness while becoming more sustainable.
Press releases | 10 February 2020
Shippers, freight forwarders and port service providers strongly object to the inclusion of the prolongation of the CBER in the Commission’s Work Programme
Associations representing shippers, freight forwarders and port service providers object to the inclusion in the Commission’s 2020 Work Programme of the decision to extend the CBER for another four years with the justification that it ‘will continue to simplify the analysis of consortia’s compliance with competition rules, limit the dependency on external advice and reduce legal costs.’
Press releases | 17 January 2020
Stakeholders in the Maritime Logistics Supply Chain urge the Commission to reconsider its decision and to proceed to a proper objective evaluation of the Consortia BER
CLECAT, ETA, EBU, ESC, FEPORT, GSF, GSA and UIRR representing the users of liner shipping services and service providers of the maritime logistics chain jointly object to the prolongation of the Consortia Block Exemption Regulation (CBER) . The associations believe that the Commission has failed to demonstrate that the continuation of the CBER would benefit transportation users and service providers, i.e. consumers.
News | 13 December 2019
CLECAT Welcomes the New European Green Deal
CLECAT welcomes the ambition of Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent in the world by 2050.
News | 13 December 2019
CLECAT Reaction to the Provisional Agreement on Mobility Package I
A provisional agreement was reached between the Finnish Presidency and the European Parliament on the social and market access aspects of the 1st Mobility Package, during the third round of trilogues on 12 December. CLECAT welcomes a breakthrough following two-and-a-half years of negotiations but is equally disappointed that the industry concerns were not taken into account.
Events | 12 December 2019
Freight Forwarders Forum 2019 - Logistics for Europe - 14 November - Brussels
Press releases | 25 November 2019
CLECAT Continues to Call for a Repeal of the Consortia BER
News | 22 November 2019
Industry Calls For More Flexibility on Mobility Package I
Industry associations urge the co-legislators to take into account that EU customers and consumers will only benefit from a well-functioning EU road transport market if posting rules are flexible but enforceable, return of the vehicle is not mandatory, less restrictive cabotage rules facilitate the reduction of empty runs, and safe and secure parking areas are created prior to forcing truck drivers outside of the cabin for regular and reduced weekly rests.
Events | 30 July 2019
Freight Forwarders Forum 2019: Logistics for Europe - 14 November 2019 - Residence Palace, Brussels
Press releases | 19 July 2019
CLECAT Welcomes Alternative Arrangements Report