17 May 2024


The European Commission has extended anti-dumping measures on birch plywood imports from Russia to now include imports from Kazakhstan and Türkiye. This action follows an investigation revealing that Russian birch plywood was being transhipped through these countries or completed there before being shipped to the EU, circumventing existing duties.

These extended measures aim to protect EU producers from unfair competition and enforce trade defense measures established since November 2021. The circumvention involved products suspected to be of Russian origin but declared as Turkish or Kazakh, thus still entering the EU market. 

Birch plywood, mainly used in construction, packaging, and furniture, saw increased exports from Kazakhstan and Türkiye after the EU banned Russian imports in July 2022. The Commission's investigation found no economic justification for this shift in trade patterns other than to bypass anti-dumping duties. This extension underscores the Commission's commitment to combating unfair trade practices and enforcing established measures. 

For more details, see Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2024/1287.

Source: DG TRADE